
the language of parts






Welcome to this series of lessons on the language Kawaba. These lessons will guide you step by step into the world of Kawaba.

In this series, you'll:

These lessons will give you the tools and confidence to speak Kawaba with ease. Ready to begin? Let's dive in!

lessons 0 - alphabet and pronunciation

Before you dive into Kawaba, it's essential to start with the basics: how to spell and pronounce the language correctly. Kawaba's minimalist design extends to its sound system, offering a clean and intuitive structure that's easy to learn and speak.

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lessons 1 - compound words

In Kawaba, each root word carries a range of meanings, but their real power shines when combined together. Compound words let you shape the language to fit your needs, turning a handful of roots into a limitless vocabulary.

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lessons 2 - simple sentences

Kawaba's sentence structure is designed for flexibility and precision, with every word playing a distinct role. By understanding the rules and patterns, you'll unlock the ability to create sentences that are as concise or complex as you need them to be.

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lessons 3 - complex sentences

Kawaba's simplicity extends to its approach to complexity. By combining straightforward structures and clear markers, you can easily link multiple ideas, express relationships, and dive into more nuanced expression.

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